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How To Motivate Yourself To Clean Again!

Cleaning your whole house can be overwhelming, up to the point where you no longer want to do it. How can you recover the will to clean? Although it won't happen immediately, you just need a little help to recover your cleaning mojo.

While we can't physically yank you out of your stupor, we've got your back with some top-notch tips to get you back on the cleaning grind! Check them out.

Give your cleaning a purpose

Rev up your motivation by setting a clear objective—cleaning with a purpose. This will give a new meaning to the process, tied to something you want to achieve. Check these out:

  • Organize a reunion. Planning a get-together requires your place to be in tip-top shape. Ideally, invite your friends to come over the next day to speed up the cleaning. But if the thought of tackling the entire mess at once is daunting, schedule the gathering for later to allow more time for cleaning.
  • Focus on the perks. Think about the things you've put on hold due to the mess. For example, how a chaotic kitchen hampers cooking. Pick an area tied to a particular purpose and weigh the benefits of getting it lean and organized.

Simplify your cleaning routine

Cleaning itself can be a chore, so dealing with a cluttered space can feel much worse. But did you know you can make it less of a headache? Just take a look at the following tips:

  • Start small. Divide the cleaning battleground into manageable bits, and your brain will be set on dealing with these areas instead of the entire chaos. You'll feel accomplished (and your mood will improve) as soon as finishing the first zone.
  • Clean in short bursts. Set a timer, pick a spot, and clean non-stop until the timer buzzes (even if it's just ten minutes). Repeat this process throughout the day, and you'll be done before you realize it!
  • Tackle one spot daily. If the idea of cleaning your whole home in a single day is overwhelming, designate specific areas or chores for different days of the week. Spreading out the tasks lightens the load and makes your schedule more forgiving.

Transform cleaning into a good time

Who says cleaning has to be boring? It might not be as thrilling as a rollercoaster ride, but it can beat your usual routine in terms of entertainment. Here's the lowdown:

  • Play some music. Music is a natural mood lifter. Throw on your favorite playlist or some feel-good tunes and dance your way through the dirt. Alternatively, play that backlog of podcasts or audiobooks—it'll make the time zip by!
  • Reward yourself. Pick something you've been longing for, like a meal from that restaurant you saw on social media. Treat it as a prize for your hard work. It'll lift your spirits and add more meaning to your cleaning duties!

Housekeeping Maid Easy will get your place spotless!

Sometimes, all you need is a fresh start to reignite your motivation; seeing your place spotless can do just that! Our cleaning crew will handle all the necessary chores to leave your space immaculate, and you'll feel revitalized. Get instant pricing right here!