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10 Spring Cleaning Tips for a Refreshed and Inviting Home

spring cleaning tips

When the last remnants of winter finally fade away, it can be an exciting time for a homeowner like yourself. All you want to do is open the curtains, set out some new decorations, and embrace the long-awaited warmth. You probably want to invite people over more, spend more time outside, and maybe even organize your closet. 

But you can’t do any of that until you “spring clean,” which can be an annoying hassle that seems overwhelming to even know where to begin. 

But don’t throw in the towel just yet. Here at Housekeeping Maid Easy, we’re experts in all areas of cleaning, especially spring cleaning. We’ll give you our top 10 spring cleaning tips on how to make your home feel refreshed and brand new after a long winter and hopefully get you ready to start hosting those dinner parties you want oh-so badly.

spring cleaning tips

1. It’s Time to Purge

First things first, it’s time to purge all the stuff you don’t need. It seems as though when winter comes and we spend a lot of our time indoors, we start accumulating stuff. Not necessarily important stuff but the stuff we don’t need — stuff for one-time use or stuff we don’t wear anymore. 

Take a good hard look through everything (don’t forget your closets!) and figure out what you don’t want or need anymore. This is especially helpful if you have kids. 

2. Clean Those Overlooked Surfaces

Be honest: have you ever cleaned your walls? Well, now is the time. It can become a yearly task for your spring cleaning process, but it’s something that will change the entire feel of your house. 

You can simply use a sponge with warm water and dish soap and give your walls a good scrubbing from top to bottom. Make sure you don’t forget your baseboards either — you’d be surprised how much dirt and dust build upon them. 

3. Take Care of Your Appliances

It’s finally time to deep clean and sanitize your appliances. This allows them to keep working properly and keeps your family safe from built-up gunk. (Think about the gunk that currently resides on the bottom of your oven, and you’ll know what we mean.) This includes your:

  • Sink
  • Dishwasher
  • Washer
  • Dryer
  • Oven
  • Microwave
  • Refrigerator

Many of them can be wiped down both inside and out using sponges and microfiber cloths with a cleaner. You should be able to find cleaning pods that can go into your garbage disposal, dishwasher, and washer that cleans it out by running a cycle with the pod inside. 

4. Wash the Windows

Grab some window cleaner and a microfiber cloth and give your windows a good wipe down. Make sure you do this on a shady day to avoid streaks. 

You can use soap and water to clean the window sills if needed. Don’t be afraid to open up your window to get better access to all the areas you need — plus, it will help freshen the air inside!

5. Deep Clean the Entryways

Think about all of the stuff you normally track in from outside and then add dirt, snow, salt, and mud to the mix. Your entryway, and especially your doormats, are going to need a deep clean. 

Start by vacuuming and then mopping the floor. Then hit your doormats outside to release built-up dirt on them. You can also usually clean them by scrubbing them with soap and water and leaving them to try outside. 

6. Dust Everywhere (We Mean Everywhere!)

Dust can not only make everything look dirty, but it can also wreak havoc on the immune system. By dusting as many places as possible, you help your health and the look of your home. 

Make sure to dust:

  • Countertops
  • Surfaces
  • Windows
  • Pictures
  • Knick knacks
  • Fans

A fun and easy way to clean your fan is to slide a pillowcase over the arm of your fan and then slide it off. That way, the dust stays inside your pillowcase, and then you can shake it off in the trash and wash it. 

7. It’s Time for Floorcare

The only way to achieve a good deep house cleaning is to deep clean your floors like you mean it. We’re not just talking about a simple swish of the broom. 

You need to sweep and then wet mop all hard surface floors. If you have carpet, try to get a hot water extractor to get deep into the fibers of your carpet and get all the germs, bacteria, and dirt that’s lying deep in there. Don't be surprised if your water comes back brown. It may take you a couple of times to get it truly clean! 

8. Your Upholstery Needs Love Too

Don’t forget about the furniture! If you look on the label of your furniture, there should be a label that will tell you what it needs to be cleaned properly. The label code goes like this: 

  • W = can be cleaned with water
  • S = must be cleaned with solvents
  • S/W = can be cleaned with solvents and water
  • X = can only be vacuumed; not able to be cleaned

If you follow your label, you should be able to clean your upholstery with no problems. Make sure you always test your cleaning solution in a small area on your furniture before using it. 

9. Deep Clean the Bathrooms

Your bathrooms are a dirty place that should be cleaned regularly, but you should take this time to deep clean them if needed. Get bathroom cleaners and spray down every surface. 

Make sure to get into the grout of the shower and the bottom of the toilet. Finish everything off by wiping it down or spraying it down with a disinfectant. 

10. Clean Up After Your Furry Friends

We all love our pets, but they are dirty too. Now is the time to clean their beds, toys, clothes, or whatever else you have for them. 

Their items can have a lot of pet dander and dust mites which can affect your health as well as theirs. This will allow them to feel refreshed and clean in time for spring to come. 

Benefits of a One-Time House Cleaning

If you read all of this and are already exhausted — or maybe you just don’t want to do it yourself — then our deep cleaning house services are the perfect fit for you! With our one-time cleaning service, we can refresh your home in no time, handling all the hard work for you so that you can go and enjoy the outdoors or do whatever it is that you love. 

Our customers love working with us because we have a large range of services and can offer our service to a wide range of locations in Central Indiana. This means no matter where you are, we can come to you and help you out. We’ll also work with you to make sure getting stays in budget and is done in a timely manner.

For more information or to book your service today, click here. We can’t wait to make your home look and feel brand new!