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Hiring a Cleaning Service: Surprising Ways You’ll Save Money

Are you considering hiring a cleaning service, but maybe you’re worried about the added cost from week to week? 

Sure, there’s a weekly expense and a check written out to someone else. But have you thought about the added value and time you’ll get when you hire a professional cleaning service?

There’s no question that when you hire someone else to take care of the dirty work at home, you’re saving yourself the time and energy that you would need to take care of it yourself. Your home is dust-free, vacuumed and mopped, and all you had to do was schedule a time for someone to handle it for you. 

It’s taken care of, and you get the reward of extra time to spend on anything else.

If you’re concerned about the price of hiring a cleaning service, though, you’re not alone. But you might be surprised how the benefits outweigh the cost—and how hiring someone else can actually save you money in the long run.

hiring a cleaning service

The Cost of Hiring a Cleaning Service

If you’re weighing the benefits of hiring a cleaning service, you may be considering the overall cost. How is this service going to affect your monthly household budget? What will each cleaning session cost?

The cost of your cleaning session will vary based on the size of your home. The number of rooms can influence the price, as can a request for different kinds of services. 

The price also may vary depending on where you live in the country; rates for housecleaning services can vary from region to region.

There are all kinds of sources available to help you estimate the cost in your area. For example, Angie’s List and Care.com put the cost of cleaning services somewhere in the ballpark of $160 to $189 per cleaning session. 

Of course, there are always exceptions to this general guideline. While the cost of cleaning may fit somewhere in between that $160 to $189, chances are you can probably expect actual cleaning services prices for the average-sized home to be somewhere between $160 and $220.

Again, this cost will vary depending on how many rooms you ask your cleaning service to care for each week and any additional services you may request. 

With the price of a weekly cleaning solidified, let’s take a look at what it will really cost you—and how you could ultimately end up saving money.

What Is Your Time Worth?

When you hire a cleaning service, you may be saving yourself money just in terms of how much time you are saving by not having to clean your home yourself. Your time is valuable.

Let’s figure out how much money you can save just by figuring out how long it might take you to clean your home.

If you make somewhere around $50, and it takes you about five hours to clean your home, then it would cost $250 of your time to clean your home as well as the professionals can. If the cost of hiring a professional is $150, then each week you are saving yourself $100—not to mention your earnings if you actually work during those five hours. It’s that easy to earn money while letting a professional clean your home!

When you hire a cleaning service, though, you aren’t just saving $100. You’re also saving those five precious hours in your week. Imagine all that you could accomplish in those five hours or the quality time you can spend with family and friends with that added time each week.

Save Money on Cleaning Products

Quality cleaning products that not only work but are safe and healthy to use in your home can be expensive. When you clean your home yourself, you are going through lots and lots of your own cleaning products. This can be a costly endeavor.

How expensive can it be to use good cleaning products? TheNest.com estimates that an average-sized family spends somewhere between $40 and $50 to keep their home clean every month. 

Think about it: sanitizing wipes, sprays, paper towels, floor cleaner, furniture polish? It all adds up.

Ir your floors are hardwood floors, if they require a special kind of floor cleaner, or if you are using a non-toxic floor cleaner to protect your pets and children, that can be pricey. If a bottle of a specialty floor cleaner costs between $10 and $15 per bottle, and you use one bottle each month, that’s a cost of $120 to $180 each year spent on floor cleaner alone!

A major benefit of hiring a professional cleaning service is that most services bring their own cleaning supplies. Sure, you still will have to have a few cleaning supplies on hand to manage messes in between cleaning sessions, but you’ll need far fewer supplies, and they will last a lot longer. 

When you save money that used to be spent each month on cleaning supplies, that money stays in your pocket.

hiring a cleaning service

A Bonded, Insured Cleaning Company Will Save You Money

If you are searching for the right professional cleaning company and you are worried about the bottom line, it may seem like a good idea initially to hire an independent person to come in and clean your home.

The upfront costs for these companies may seem like less, but many of these self-employed cleaners or independent maids do not have their own insurance and are not bonded or insured. 

What does this mean for you? When you hire a self-employed person to come in and clean your home, you also are inviting major risk into your home. If an item is damaged or broken or goes missing, you are financially responsible for fixing or replacing it.

Even worse, if someone is hurt while cleaning your home and they are not insured or bonded—or their cleaning service does not carry worker’s compensation—you are the responsible party. This means you could end up paying a lot in medical bills and lost wages if someone slips and falls or is injured while cleaning your home.

When you hire a professional cleaning company that is insured and bonded, it means if something breaks, the insurance company will handle replacing it. And more importantly, in the unfortunate event of an accident in your home, a company with worker’s compensation in place ensures doctors’ bills and lost work don’t come out of your pocket.

Also, in some states, you might be required to pay for insurance when you pay for an independent housekeeper, costing you more money.

At Housekeeping Maid Easy, not only do we conduct a thorough background check when hiring any new employee, but all of our employees are bonded, insured and covered under our own worker’s compensation policy, so you don’t have to worry about things getting broken or people getting hurt.

Save More Time So You Can Do What You Love

How much time can you save if you hire a professional to clean your home? The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that women spend 2.25 hours each day on housework and that men spend around 25 minutes every day on housework. 

Wouldn’t it be great to free up some of this time? When you hire a cleaning service, you are gifting the time you would spend cleaning back to you and your family.

When you pay a professional for their expert housecleaning services, you also are paying yourself—in time. Time that can be spent each week doing what you love with the ones you love most.

And having a clean home also can do a lot for your stress levels. It’s been proven that having a clean home is a powerful psychological tool. Your anxiety levels are lower, and you are happier, healthier. What is more valuable than an investment in your mental and physical health?

At Housekeeping Maid Easy, we love getting the chance to help families in McCordsville and the surrounding areas save money and time every week—and they love sharing how a weekly cleaning from our team of professionals has put more money in their wallets and saved them time and energy too. 

Our mission has always been to free up time and money for the families in our community so they have more time to be together. It’s why we love what we do so much. 

We offer all kinds of services to keep up with your busy lifestyle so you can worry less about cleaning your home and more about what you get to do with all your newfound free time.

Let us get to work on your home, so you can start saving money today. Request a quote, and leave the rest up to us.

Bathroom Cleaning Services | House Keeping Maid Easy